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December 2013, 96 pages, 2,50 € in Slovenia, around 6 € for abroad (shipping included) cover by: Gunnar Lundkvist |
STRIPBURGER #62 ::: a brave world of new comics
Attention passengers, the new Stripburger no. 62 finally arrived. Please board now. Our destination: a brave world of new comics!
The journey starts with Lars Sjunneson’s (SE/DE) The Demise of the Old World, the fourth chapter of the Åke Jävel story. Whether a regular Stripburger traveller or not, you will for sure enjoy reading a contemplative editorial on this (anti)hero of our times, which was written by the enigmatic Toby Esterhase.
We continue our international tour de comics in the company of Peter Lally (UK) and Alex Potts (UK) before stopping in one of Stockholm's bookstores for afternoon tea with Gunnar Lundkvist (SE), an acclaimed Swedish comics artist. We're pleased to inform you that the interview is also an announcement of the Slovene release of Gunnar’s comic book, starring his faithful companion Klas Katt, who greets you from the cover of our magazine. The second extensive interview features a lively discussion with Marcos Farrajota (PT), an indefatigable and enthusiastic agent in the Portuguese underground comix scene. Of course, the interviews wouldn't be complete without the representative comics by both interviewed artists.
The color part of the magazine is occupied by Anna Ehrlemark (SE), a regular fellow traveller on the relation Ljubljana – Stockholm. Appearing for the first time (and let’s hope not the last) are three very intriguing French comics talents: Matieu Z (FR) takes us on an expedition into the dark heart of the Amazon before the creative duo Florent Ruppert & Jerome Mulot (FR) thrill us with an eccentric and provocative comic (both formally and contently), that makes you un-pack your own baggage of what comics are supposed to look like (let along how to read them). Right before the end of the journey you’ll find yourself within the dreams of Laura Teixeira (BR).
A bunch of Slovene authors confidently took their places all over the issue. You are invited to a brief excursion into the history of Slovenian comics in a comic by Izar Lunaček (SI). Gašper Rus (SI) and Andrej Štular (SI) present their one-page comic stories and in the third sequel of David Krančan’s (SI) comics expertise Raz Dva Strip you will get to know what speech bubbles are telling us. Finally, as always, for all inquisitive explorers there's the usual dose of reviews and Stripburger’s comics delicacies.
Have a great time exploring and bon voyage!
The journey starts with Lars Sjunneson’s (SE/DE) The Demise of the Old World, the fourth chapter of the Åke Jävel story. Whether a regular Stripburger traveller or not, you will for sure enjoy reading a contemplative editorial on this (anti)hero of our times, which was written by the enigmatic Toby Esterhase.
We continue our international tour de comics in the company of Peter Lally (UK) and Alex Potts (UK) before stopping in one of Stockholm's bookstores for afternoon tea with Gunnar Lundkvist (SE), an acclaimed Swedish comics artist. We're pleased to inform you that the interview is also an announcement of the Slovene release of Gunnar’s comic book, starring his faithful companion Klas Katt, who greets you from the cover of our magazine. The second extensive interview features a lively discussion with Marcos Farrajota (PT), an indefatigable and enthusiastic agent in the Portuguese underground comix scene. Of course, the interviews wouldn't be complete without the representative comics by both interviewed artists.
The color part of the magazine is occupied by Anna Ehrlemark (SE), a regular fellow traveller on the relation Ljubljana – Stockholm. Appearing for the first time (and let’s hope not the last) are three very intriguing French comics talents: Matieu Z (FR) takes us on an expedition into the dark heart of the Amazon before the creative duo Florent Ruppert & Jerome Mulot (FR) thrill us with an eccentric and provocative comic (both formally and contently), that makes you un-pack your own baggage of what comics are supposed to look like (let along how to read them). Right before the end of the journey you’ll find yourself within the dreams of Laura Teixeira (BR).
A bunch of Slovene authors confidently took their places all over the issue. You are invited to a brief excursion into the history of Slovenian comics in a comic by Izar Lunaček (SI). Gašper Rus (SI) and Andrej Štular (SI) present their one-page comic stories and in the third sequel of David Krančan’s (SI) comics expertise Raz Dva Strip you will get to know what speech bubbles are telling us. Finally, as always, for all inquisitive explorers there's the usual dose of reviews and Stripburger’s comics delicacies.
Have a great time exploring and bon voyage!
Åke has a place everywhere.
Toby Esterhase, isn't that a Le Carrě-character?
Toby Esterhase, isn't that a Le Carrě-character?
青花菜藏小蟲 這1招讓牠自動浮出來
翁山蘇姬遭拘押 緬甸軍方宣布實施1年緊急狀態
緬甸執政黨「全國民主聯盟」發言人今天表示,緬甸國務資政、實質領導人翁山蘇姬(Aung San Suu Kyi)、總統溫敏和其他執政黨高層在清晨一場突襲行動中遭到拘押,被軟禁在家。緬甸軍方發布最新聲明美聯社報導,緬甸議員原本今天要齊聚首都奈比多(Naypyitaw),召開去年大選以來的國會首場會議,但日前軍方一席話被廣泛視為威脅要發動政變,讓當地瀰漫著不安的氣氛。
法新社報導,75歲的翁山蘇姬所屬政黨「全國民主聯盟」發言人苗紐(Myo Nyunt)今晨表示:「根據目前所見情況,我們不得不假設軍方正發動政變。」苗紐說:「我想告訴人民,切勿倉促因應此事,行事也須遵守法律。」他還說,預料他也將遭到拘留。
28萬買「垃圾屋」遭譏 男打掃驚見珍寶…拍賣進帳「1100萬」樂喊:最棒投資!
2021年2月4日 週四 上午9:44·2 分鐘 (閱讀時間)
男子買下一棟垃圾屋,整理時驚喜發現裡面有許多珍奇的寶物。(圖/翻攝自Curiosity Incorporated YouTube)
人生處處有驚喜,財富似乎總藏在意想不到之處。加拿大一名骨董收藏家亞歷克斯(Alex Archbold),以1萬美元(約台幣28萬元)的價格,買下一位已逝鋼琴教師的屋子,並在打掃時驚喜發現散落各處的「寶藏」,最後反而大賺了40萬美元(約台幣1100萬元),讓他開心直呼,「這是至今做過最棒的投資」。
亞歷克斯和妻子經營一間骨董店,在一次交易中認識了鋼琴老師貝蒂(Bette-Joan Rac),對方於2020年12月去世,身受僅留下一棟堆滿雜物的房子。亞歷克斯仔細思考後,決定以1萬美元的價格買下貝蒂的房屋。
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