14 December 2012

Stripburger magazine #58 is here!

Stripburger magazine #58 is here!

Do not impatiently skip this brief introduction to get to the list of comics! This issue offers a unique selection of artists, texts and other treats that will prove to be hard to consume all in the remains of this year.

The peculiarity starts with the editorial, which was written by Dakota McFadzean (CA). His contemplation on the meaning of comics in the time of coming of age prepares the reader for his comic The Best Donald. We don't have the habit of explaining comics, but in this case it is done seamlessly, complementing his excellent comics narrative. Donald Duck is followed by Lars Sjunnesson (SE) with his bizarrely sick comic holding the mirror to our perverted society. This old friend of ours answers the questions in the interview as well. All over the issue you can find impressive and wicked onepagers by Kayla Escobedo (USA). We were impressed by Goran Dačev (MK) as well, even more: he inspired us to start a new feature called A letter to the artist  and to write him a letter. We surely hope he’ll be happy about it! Martin Ramoveš (SI), repeatedly proving his prowess with both words and images, is featured with his traditional last page and a 6-page grim lyrical poem. Another Slovene is Gašper Rus (SI) with his one-page autobiographical comic. The color part of the magazine is comprised of three artists: Mart (ES), Peter Kuper (USA) and Alex Schubert (USA). 

Stripburger extends his congratulations for his degree thesis to David Krančan (SI) whose comics were last seen in our magazine a long time ago. This is the reason we gave him space for two comics and their ample analysis. Canada is represented by two more artists: Nina Bunjevac (CA) with her recognizable Zorka, and the versatile Julie Doucet (CA), the second interviewee. Janek Koza (PL) and the always adorable Akinori Oishi (JP) present their comic stories on their respective page spreads. This issue culminates with the Indonesian artist Rakhmad Dwi Septian (ID) who first introduces the reader to the Indonesian underground comics with his presentation text, then he takes him into a world to be discovered with his extensive dreamlike comic. Let’s start discovering right here, on the pages of Stripburger …

The cover page was created by Lars Sjunnesson, while the inside covers and other accessories were courtesy of Dakota McFadzean and Dace Sietina (LVA/NL).

The last issue of Stripburger thus covers comics theory, new sources of comics-making and seasoned comics veterans as well, maintaining the quality of the selection and opening new approaches to this medium we all love.


Stripburger številka 58 je pred vami!

Stripburger številka 58 je pred vami!

Nikar nestrpno ne preskočite tega predgovora, da bi čim hitreje preleteli seznam stripovskih del! Oseminpetdeseta cifra namreč ponuja tako edinstven nabor avtorjev, besedil in dodatnih poslastic, da se zdi, da jih boste le stežka prebavili v teh zadnjih kratkih dneh leta, ki se izteka.

Že uvodnik je tokrat nekoliko drugačen, saj ga je napisal gostujoči avtor Dakota McFadzean (KAN). Njegovo razmišljanje o pomenu stripov v odraščanju nas pripravi na njegovo delo The Best Donald. Morda ni navada, da se stripe razlaga, a tu se zdi, da je to storjeno na skrajno nevsiljiv način, bolj kot razlaga pa besedilo dopolnjuje sicer odlično stripovsko pripoved. Racmana Jaka iz revije prežene Lars Sjunnesson (ŠVE) s svojim bizarno bolnim stripom, s katerim nastavlja ogledalo naši izprijeni družbi. Sicer stari znanec revije tokrat postreže našim bralcem tudi z intervjujem. Sledi mu debitantka Kayla Escobedo (ZDA) z odpiljenim enostranskim delom, ki nas je navdušilo. Navdušil nas je tudi Goran Dačev (MK), celo tako zelo, da smo v reviji odprli novo rubriko Pismo avtorju in Goranu napisali pismo. Upamo, da ga bo prejemnik vesel! Martin Ramoveš (SI) znova in znova dokazuje, da je presneto spreten tako z besedami kot tudi z risbo in svojo, zdaj že skoraj tradicionalno zadnjo stran, dopolnjuje z neradostno lirično pesnitvijo na šestih straneh. Slovensko čast rešuje tudi Gašper Rus (SI) z enostranskim avtobiografskim stripom. Barvni spekter revije tokrat sestavljajo tri valovanja Marta (ŠPA), Petra Kuperja (ZDA) in Alexa Schuberta (ZDA).

Stripburger čestitke ob diplomi izreka Davidu Krančanu (SI), katerega stripov že (pre)dolgo nismo brali v reviji, zato pa tokrat postreže kar z dvema in ju povrh vsega podkrepi z izčrpnima analizama. Nina Bunjevac (KAN) nas pozdravlja iz Kanade, od tam pa prihaja tudi druga intervjujanka revije, vsestranska Julie Doucet (KAN). Vedno prisrčni Akinori Oishi (JP) in Janek Koza (PL) nas pozdravljata vsak na svojem spreadu. Stripburger tokrat zaključuje Indonezijec Rakhmad Dwi Septian (ID), ki bralcem najprej na kratko predstavi indonezijski underground strip, nato pa nas s svojim dolgometražnim sanjskim stripom povede v svet, ki ga Evropejci moramo še dodobra odkriti. Začnimo kar na naših straneh ...

Naslovnico je prispeval Lars Sjunnesson, notranjo opremo pa poleg McFadzeana še Dace Sietina (LVA/NL).

Stripburger torej z mero stripovske teorije, novih stripovskih žarišč in prekaljenih stripovskih mačkov skrbi, da ob držanju kvalitete intenzivno pogleduje proti novim možnostim obravnavanja tega medija, ki ga vendarle ljubimo!
