30 January 2012

Poziv avtorjem: posebna številka Stripburgerja 58-59


(Stripi na temo dela)

Le vkup, le vkup, uboga striparska gmajna!

Letošnja posebna številka Stripburgerja je posvečena delu v vseh njegovih oblikah. Ja, prav ste prebrali, tej grdi besedi na d-.

V teh burnih časi smo priče spremembam v paradigmi dela. Nekoč je delo bilo sestavni del preživetvene strategije, zate, način samoizražanja, dandanes pa ga ne ločimo več od prostega časa. Kako sploh definirati delo? Je to razumsko veoden postopek, ki vodi k nekim otipljivim ciljem, lai pa je to kar vsaka človeška dejavnost, pri kateri je nekaj ustvarjeno? Ali gre samo za plačano delo, ki je poplačano s plačo ali mezdo, kaj pa prostovoljno delo? Je mar delo tisto, ki je ustvarilo človeka, ali pa velja prav nasprotno, da smo mi tisti, ki dajemo pomen svojim ustvarjalnim dejavnostim, in jim rečemo delo? Kaj pa v umetnosti? Ali umetnik ustvarja ali dela? V njegovem primeru, kakšna je razlika med tema dvema pojmoma?

O naravi dela v sodobni družbi se je mogoče vprašati veliko vprašanj. Zaradi izmuzljive narave definicij dela smo vam pripravili seznam pojmov, namigov in izhodišč, povezanih z delom, ki vam, dragi avtorji, lahko poslužijo kot vir navdiha, ko se boste spopadali s to zahtevno temo. Pričakujemo družbeno angažirane stripe, toda tudi čisto zasebna razmišljanja na temo dela, položaja in pravic delavcev ali umetnika kot delavca, pa tudi čisto zabavnosmešne stripe, lahko so tudi žleht! Naj ne bodo politično korektni, to je za šleve, pričakujemo polnokrvne stripe, ki bodo v prihodnosti postali pogosto citiran vir, lahko pa so tudi vsaj zabavni!

Spodaj je seznam izhodišč in idej, ki je priporočen, ni pa predpisan. Vzemite si svobodo in obdelajte tudi kakšno drugo sorodno idejo, ki se vam zdi plodna:

Delo kot:
- vir preživetja
- muka, napor
- tipično človekova dejavnost
- nujno zlo
- štos, fora, hec, zajebancija
- »Kdor ne dela, naj ne je!”
- delo kot božanska dejavnost – »creatio ex nihilo«
- delo vs. počitek
- čakanje na delo (Zavod za zaposlovanje)
- delo vs. antidelo
- delo doma
- ročno vs. intelektualno delo
- tabu dela / prepoved dela
- prekerno, začasno, sezonsko, honorarno delo
- deloholizem
- pripravništvo
- stavka / zavračanje dela
- legalno in ilegalno delo/delo na črno
- prostovoljsko delo
- sindikati
- zgodovina dela
- izkoriščanje delavcev: sweatshopi, suženjsko, prisilno delo
- fitnesi in telovadnice: “working out”
- delitev dela
- delo in spol
- delo in starost
- delo in spolnost (prostitutke, žigoloji, ipd)
- delo danes vs. delo nekoč (manufacture, cehovska združenja, itd)
- »Delaj manj, ustvari več!«
- stigmatizacija tistih, ki ne delajo
- »gastarbeitersko« delo: delo v tujini / delavci iz tujine
- karkoli drugega, kar se vam zdi, da “deluje”

Ob izidu antologije je predvidena tudi potujoča razstava in druge spremne dejavnosti (delavnice, jam sessioni, itd)


Format knjige: 235x170 mm
Pošiljajte prispevke nič manjše kot A4 format (21x29,7 cm)
print: črno-belo
Dolžina: do 12 strani

Poslani fajli naj bodo:
- lineart: vsaj 600 dpi resolucije, višina 240 mm
- grayscale: vsaj 300 dpi resolucije, višina 240 mm



Stripburger / Forum Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe

Call for submissions - Working Title, 2012 special issue of Stripburger

Gather all, ye scurvy comic scribblers, scratchers and drawers!

This year's special edition of Stripburger is dedicated to work in all its forms. Yes, the W-word.

In these turbulent times we're witnessing changes to the paradigm of work. Once it used to be a part of a daily survival strategy, then a way of expressing oneself, nowadays we cannot distinguish it from leisure time anymore. How can we define work in the first place? Is it a rational guided process aimed at some tangible goal, or is it any human activity where new things are created? Is it only paid labour, remunerated by a wage or salary, what about voluntary work? Is it the work that made the human species, or is it the other way around, that we as humans tend to put significance into our creative activities and call that work? What about art? Is an artist creating or working? What's the difference between these two terms in his or her case?

Many questions can be asked about the nature of work in our contemporary society. Due to the fleeting nature of its definitions we've assembled a list of terms, clues and starting points, all somehow connected to the concept of work, which could serve as sources of inspiration for you, dear artists, when you try to tackle this heavy issue. We're expecting socially engaged comics, but also intimate meditations on the issue of work, status and rights of workers, on the artist as a worker, then humorous submissions as well, even mischievous are most welcome! Let them not be politically correct, PC is for pussies, we're expecting full-blooded comics that will become often quoted referential material in the future, or at least fun to read!

Here are some starting ideas, feel free to (ab)use them:

- means of survival
- effort, toil
- a characteristic human need
- a necessary evil
- joke, fun, goofing-off
- »He who does not work, shall not eat as well!« - a Slovenian proverb
- work as godly activity – »creatio ex nihilo«
- work vs. Rest
- waiting for work: Unemployment office
- work vs. antiwork
- working at home
- manual vs. intellectual work
- taboo of work/banned work
- »a Sunday kind of work«
- »precarious, temporary, part-time, seasonal work
- workoholism
- internship
- strike/denial of work
- legal vs. illegal work (moonlighting, etc)
- voluntary work
- trade unions
- history of work
- exploitation of workers: sweatshops, slavery, forced/compulsory work
- gyms: "working out"
- the division of work/labour
- work and gender
- work and age
- work and sexuality (prostitutes and man-whores, etc)
- work today vs. work in the past (manufactories, guilds, etc)
- »Work less, create more!«
- stigmatisation of the non-working
- »gastarbeit« work: work by more or less temporary immigrant workers and
- whatever works for you

You're also kindly invited to work on some other related ideas as well.

A travelling exhibition is planned at the release of the anthology along with some other things like workshops etc …

Deadline for submissions: 31st May 

the book will be sized: 235x170 mm
So send the works no smaller then A4 format(21x29,7 cm)
print: black and white
Length: up to 12 pages

Files should be:
- lineart: at least 600 dpi resolution, 240 mm height
- grayscale: at least 300 dpi resolution, 240 mm height

Stripburger / Forum Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe

04 January 2012

Stripburger #56 – for demanding gourmands!

Dear readers,

the last issue of the magazine is finally out! This one has been dedicated to recipes for »whateveryoumightthinkof«, but for the artists this idea has been only selectively inspiring. Thus we got some comics that are inspired by recipes, but we cannot claim that we have a full-blooded theme bloc. However, the issue #56 is well stocked with quality comics from around the world that keep you well-fed.
We must admit that some artists have been actually intrigued by the bloc theme, you can see it in the works of Da Steff and Vincent Lefebvre. Da Steff's comic has been a part of the Unkraut Comics 5.2, Unkraut's special issue dedicated to food and partly a source of inspiration for this bloc. Vincent's recipe for happiness is featured in full colour, while the other recipe, this time for success, comes from Darko Macan. He's a seasoned comics conoisseur who knows about comics in all their perspectives, as he's been or still is a comic artist, scriptwriter, reviewer and publisher. He disclosed his views on comics and comic-making in a long interview and he was even more illustrative in the comic recipe he created for the issue.
Teresa Camara Pestana and Sarah-Louise Barbett have contributed longer stories revolving around the tragic fate of their main protagonist, each drawn in her own distinct way. The »notorious« and socially critical Peter Kuper, Stripburger's long-time contributor, is featured with two short comics that nicely fit the current times and its social uprisings, while Gašper Rus displays the cracking of the facade of some other classical authorities through a very personal story. Not to be ignored is the comic on St. Teresa by Marcel Ruijters, master of alternative takes on history and it's important protagonists. The issue includes PST as well, the story from the comic book by an interesting Joseph Lambert. You can read more about the book in the reviews as the textual section is very heavy this time.
The second extensive interview features a discussion with Marjan Manček, famous Slovenian comic artist, illustrator, caricaturist and creator of the recently published comics collection Hribci kremeniti. Many grown-ups still well remember Manček's Hribci comics from elementary-school-era youth magazines. We've collected them into one book for which the artist specially made four new wholepagers. The book and the interview are thus complemented by eight Hribci comics that escaped the collection, so you can read them on the pages of the magazine. 

Matej Stupica too has been busy with the bloc theme and cooked up a brutally spiced hardcore haggis collage for the outside spread-out cover of the magazine, while the inner covers are adorned with the comic by Rakhmad Dwi Septian from the far away Indonesia.

We wish you many nice readings and a bon appétit to all of you!


Zadnja letošnja številka Stripburgerja je končno med vami! Tokratna je bila zamišljena kot posvečena recepturam za »karkolivampadenapamet«, od igle do šivanke, a je ta ideja avtorje stripov precej selektivno navdihovala. Tako smo dobili nekaj stripov, ki se igrajo z idejo recepta, a ne dovolj, da bi tvorili samostojni blok. Kljub temu je številka dodobra naphana s kvalitetnimi in nasitnimi stripi s celega sveta.

Tema receptov očitno le privlači nekatere avtorje, začenši z avstrijskim Da Steffom in njegovim stripom iz Unkraut Comics 5.2 (Linz, 2011). Ta je bil del Unkrautove izdaje, posvečene hrani, in delno navdih za našo tokratno temo. Svojevrstna recepta sta nam prispevala še Francoz Vincent Lefebvre, ki ga objavljamo na barvnih straneh, in Darko Macan, dolgoletni »stripocentrik«, poznavalec stripa in stripovske scene tako doma na Hrvaškem kot na tujem, ki strip pozna do potankosti, saj je bil ali je še vedno tudi sam stripovski risar, scenarist, pisatelj, kritik in založnik. V dolgem intervjuju nam je razložil svoje poglede na strip in stripovsko ustvarjanje, še bolj nazoren pa je bil v svojem stripovskem receptu za uspeh, ki ga je narisal za to številko.

Teresa Camara Pestana in Sarah-Louise Barbett sta prispevali daljši zgodbi, ki se vrtita okrog tragične usode glavnega junaka, a vsaka na čisto svoj način. »Notorični« in družbeno kritični Peter Kuper, Stripburgerjev dolgoletni kontribuent, se postavlja z dvema krajšima stripoma, ki se lepo umeščata v sedanji čas in družbeno dogajanje, medtem ko Gašper Rus preko ene zelo osebne zgodbe prikazuje pokanje fasade klasičnih avtoritet. Objavljamo tudi PST, strip iz zanimive zbirke stripov ameriškega avtorja Josepha Lamberta, o kateri si lahko več preberete v recenzijah, saj se tokratna številka še posebej odlikuje po količini in kakovosti tekstovnih prispevkov.

V drugem hodu intervjujev objavljamo pogovor z Marjanom Mančkom, znanim slovenskim striparjem, ilustratorjem, karikaturistom in avtorjem nedavno izšle zbirke stripov Hribci kremeniti. Marsikdo med nami iz osnovnošolskih mladinskih revij dobro pomni Mančkove stripe o prazgodovinski praslovanski družini Hribcev. Mi smo jih zbrali v eni knjigi, za katero je avtor narisal še štiri nove stripe. Knjigo in intervju dopolnjujemo z objavo osmih stripov o Hribcih, ki so se zbirki izmuznili in ki jih lahko spet berete na straneh te številke.

Razgrnljivo naslovnico smo tokrat zaupali Mateju Stupici, ki se je tudi posvetil temi bloka in zakuhal brutalno začinjen hardkorovski k(g)olaž, medtem ko je strip za notranjo opremo platnic prispeval Rakhmad Dwi Septian iz daljne Indonezije.