Še topel Stripburger #53!

Konec je blizu, ampak v vsakem koncu se skriva nov začetek!
Tokratni Stripburger ni ne češki, ne švedski in ne uzbekistanski (mimogrede, uzbekistanskega stripa še nismo objavili), temveč je pisano mešani.
V zajetnem intervjuju boste spoznali “najbolj kontroverznega slovenskega striparja”, kakor se v Zgodovini slovenskega stripa 1927 – 2007 samookliče Ninel t.j. Iztok Sitar, ki preseneti z “literaliziranim” stripom, napravljenim posebej za to številko.
V analitičnem razmišljanju Slovenska stripovska zamuda boste prebrali, kakšni so trendi v sodobnem avtorskem stripu, zlasti tistem, ki se poigrava s stripovsko formo.
Od stripovskih debitantov naj opozorimo na Alessandra Toto (IT/FR) in njegovo intrigantno urbano pripoved La Corda ter na odličnega srbskega avtorja Borisa Stanića, ki z zgodbo o spominih Radosav napoljuje barvne strani številke.
Novinci na naših straneh so tudi Miguel Carneiro, Marco Mendes (oba PT), tandem Berliac (ZDA/AR), Vojtech Domlatil (CZ) ter Paul Ashley (UK).
Medtem, ko bodo zvezde padale na zemljo, boste uživali še v stripih že znanih Zografa in Maje Veselinović (RS), Koenig Lüq-a (CH), Alberta Vazqueza (ES), Elene Užinove (RU), Kaprelesa (FR), Ilie Kitupa (RU), Vhrstija (CZ) in mogočne peščice slovenskih striparjev: Koca, Domna Finžgarja, Kaje Avberšek in Gašperja Rusa.
Prijetno branje in srečno ob koncu sveta!

Stripburger #53, still “warm”!
The end is approaching but every ending hides a new beginning!
This issue is not Czech nor Swedish or Uzbeki (by the way, we have not published an Uzbeki cartoon yet) but it is colourfully mixed.
In an extensive interview you will get to know “the most controversial Slovenian cartoonist”, as Ninel (a. k. a. Iztok Sitar) calls himself in The History of Slovenian Cartoon 1927 – 2007 that surprises us with so called “literalized” cartoon, specially created for the actual issue.
In an analitical thinking The Slovene Comic Delay you are going to read what the trends in the actual cartoon are, especially the one that juggles with the cartoon form.
Among the debutants we would like to emphasize Alessandro Tota (IT/FR) and his intrigant urban story La Corda as well as an excellent Serbian author Boris Stanić whose story about memories Radosav fills up the pages in colours of Stripburger #53.
New to the readers are also the following authors: Miguel Carneiro, Marco Mendes (both PT), duo Berliac (USA/AR), Vojtech Domlatil (CZ) and Paul Ashley (UK).
While the stars will be falling on the Earth you will be able to enjoy the cartoons of already known artists Zograf and Maja Veselinović (RS), Koenig Lüq (CH), Alberto Vazquez (ES), Elena Uzhinova (RU), Kapreles (FR), Ilia Kitup (RU), Vhrsti (CZ) and the mighty handful of Slovene cartoonists: Koco, Domen Finžgar, Kaja Avberšek and Gašper Rus.
We wish you a pleasant reading and lots of joy at collapsing of the world!
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