V poletno sezono vstopa Stripburger v prenovljeni podobi: v zmanjšanem, bolj priročnem formatu in v celoti na novo oblikovan. V fokusu 47. številke se je znašel Matthias Lehmann, franko-brazilski mojster praskanke in dolgoletni znanec Stripburgerja. Njegove strani si deli z imeni, kot so Juhyun Choi, Filipe Abranches, Thomas Vieille, Jakob Klemenčič, Mawil, Askold Akišin in Gunnar Lundkvist. Poleg njih je tu še kopica nekoliko manj znanih, zato pa nič manj originalnih avtorjev: Saša Jegorov, Matei Branea, Bendik Kaltenborn, Kaspars Groshevs, Anneli Furmark, Olive Booger, Matej lavrenčič ... Novost pričujoče številke je ilustrirana kratka zgodba, delo pisatelja Matjaža Brulca in risarja Marka Kocipra. Za nameček je tu, kot vedno, še venček recenzij, tako izdaj iz domačih logov, kot tudi tistih iz širnega sveta.
Stripburger enters the summer season with a new image; the magazine now has a smaller, more handy format and is entirely redesigned. In the focus of Stripburger #47 we find Matthias Lehmann, the Franco-Brasilian scratchboard master and a long-time friend of Stripburger. Alongside Matthias, this issue features names such as Juhyun Choi, Filipe Abranches, Thomas Vieille, Jakob Klemencic, Mawil, Ascold Akishin and Gunnar Lundkvist. There are also other authors, less known perhaps, but no less original: Sasha Egoroff, Matei Branea, Bendik Kaltenborn, Kaspars Groshevs, Anneli Furmark, Olive Booger, Matej Lavrencic ... A new feature of this issue is an illsutrated short story, produced by writer Matjaz Brulc and artist Marko Kociper. Finally, as always, there's also a handful of reviews, bringing to you comics from Slovenia, as well as those from the big wide world.