12 December 2006

Razstava slovenskega stripa in animacije v Celju / SLOVENE COMICS AND ANIMATED FILM 1996-2006, Celje

Razstava slovenskega stripa in animacije ('96-'06) v Celju (Galerija sodobne umetnosti) je bila odprta precej uspešno (=nihče se ni zravsal). Sama razstava je postavljena zelo kompetentno, nabjrž pa bo marsikdo potarnal, da manjka prenekateri stipovski avtor naše dežele. Naslednjič pa pričakujemo od prigrizka več (sicer so arašidi čisto v redu prigrizek ... če si slon.)
Pohvala leti tudi na galerijo Račka, kjer je bil razstavljen slovenski erotični strip.

Hm..na animacijo smo vsled izčrpanosti popolnoma pozabili...

Zdaj pa naj govorijo fotke.

The retrospective of the last decade of slovenian comics and animation in the Gallery of contemporary arts in Celje. The exibition and the opening were nicely executed, though some may argue that some artists were left out. The snacks were ok..if u like peanuts a lot! Wait, there were fruits too, which was actually quite refreshing. Wine too.
Due to exhaustion, we completely forgot to check the animations out...
We'll let the images do the talking.

Minutes before the opening

Storyboard for Horjak's comic, published in the exhibition's catalogue

Artwork by Tomaž Lavrič

Mr Buh , Mr Klemenčič

Mr Smiljanić


matthias said...

jakob parece que voce esta bebado nessa foto!!

Anonymous said...

maldidos paparazzi...!