04 October 2011

"Greetings from Cartoonia" in Bucharest

The International festival of animated film Animafest is taking place from the 7th to the 16th of October in Bucharest. The Jumatatea plina comics bookstore (blog and FB profile) is for the 4th time organizing comics events as part of the festival's program. This year it is focused on the Stripburger magazine.

Stripburger will present the "Greetings from Cartoonia" exhibiton created by 13 artists from Slovenia, Norway, Italy, Poland, Finland, Portugal and Romania.

The exhibition is featuring Kaja Avberšek, Jakob Klemenčič, Marko Kociper, Matej Lavrenčič, Gašper Rus and Matej Stupica from Slovenia, while Bendik Kaltenborn (NO), Mateusz Skutnik (PL), Matei Branea (RO), Andrea Bruno (IT), Jyrki Heikkinen (FI) and Filipe Abranches (PT) are also integral and indispensable part of this comics conspiracy.

The animated film "Stripburger in motion" based on 8 comics previously published in Stripburger, will be screened as well alongside the exhibition. Conversation with the artists and comics jam session will follow suit.

Stripburger and Cartoonia will be hosted by a gallery in construction (previously known as Paper Cut) on Jean-Louis Calderon 44 in Bucharest. Stripburger and Cartoonia will be presented by Andrej Štular, Marko Kociper and Matei Branea, all artists participating in the "Greetings from Cartoonia", while the animated film will be presented by Boris Dolenc, director of the film, and Katerina Mirović, curator and editor.

Opening: Saturday, 8th Oct. at 21.00

Screening, presentation and discussion: Sunday, 9th Oct. at 15.00

Jam session: Sunday, 9th Oct. at 16.00

LOCATION: Ex PAPER CUT, Jean-Louis Calderon 44, Bucharest

Stripburger s POZDRAVI IZ STRIPONIJE v Bukarešti

Od 7. do 16. oktobra 2011 bo v Bukarešti potekal mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animest. Stripovsko združenje in knjigarna Jumatatea plina (blog in FB profil) v okviru festivala že 4. leto organizira tudi stripovske dogodke.

Letos bo gost festivala revija Stripburger z animiranim filmom "Stripburger v gibanju" in razstavo "Pozdravi iz Striponije" / "Greetings from Cartoonia" (iz Bukarešte namreč prihaja tudi eden od avtorjev, Matei Branea).

Spremljevalni program bo obsegal tudi pogovor z ustvarjalci in stripovski jam session. Razstava naj bi bila na ogled v Nacionalnem muzeju za sodobno umetnost, ker pa v Bukarešti v isti zgradbi sočasno gostuje, ups, zaseda NATO, bo muzej v tem času zaprt. Medtem se bosta Stripburger in Striponija naselila v bodočo galerijo (bivši Paper Cut) na ulici Jean-Louis Calderon 44.

V Bukarešti bodo Stripburger in Striponijo v živo zastopali: Boris Dolenc, režiser animiranega filma "Stripburger v gibanju", Andrej Štular, Marko Kociper in Matei Branea, soustvarjalca razstave "Pozdravi iz Striponije", ter Katerina Mirović, kustosinja in urednica.

V živahnem medkulturnem dialogu Striponije sodeluje 6 slovenskih avtorjev in enako  število tujih. Slovenijo zastopajo Kaja Avberšek, Jakob Klemenčič, Marko Kociper, Matej Lavrenčič, Gašper Rus in Matej Stupica, avtorji iz tujine pa so Bendik Kaltenborn (Norveška), Mateusz Skutnik (Poljska), Matei Branea (Romunija), Andrea Bruno (Italija), Jyrki Heikkinen (Finska) in Filipe Abranches (Portugalska).

"Pozdravi iz Striponije" so do sedaj pozdravljali iz Ljubljane, Bologne (IT), Beje (PT), Helsinkov (FI), Sardinije (IT), Londona (GB), Prage (CZ), Linza (AU), Liega (BE), in Herceg Novega (ČG). Razstava v Bukarešti zaključuje njeno  predstavljanje po Evropi.

Odprtje razstave bo v soboto, 8. oktobra ob 21. uri. Projekcija, pogovor z avtorji in jam session bodo potekali v nedeljo, 9. oktobra 2011.

Gostovanje sofinancira Javna agencija za knjigo RS.